Outages: 1-877-783-3221 | Contact: 1-618-783-8765
Apply For Service
New Service
In order to establish a new service with Norris Electric Cooperative, an individual can simply call the office at 877-783-8765. Once the proper paperwork is completed, an engineer will schedule an appointment at the site to 'stake' the job and review any work that needs to be done before the service can be built.
Some information needed when applying for a new service is:
- Location for the new service (legal description)
- Mailing address for the new service location
- Prospective member's social security number
- Deposit (amount depends on prospective member's credit score)
Changing Existing Service into Your Name
If you are moving to a location that has an existing electric service you can simply call the office at 877-783-8765.
You should be able to furnish the following information:
- Location for the new service (legal description)
- Mailing address for the new service location
- Prospective member's social security number
- Deposit (amount depends on prospective member's credit score)
Membership Application
When you receive electric service with Norris Electric Cooperative, you also become a member-owner of the cooperative. Please complete the Application for Membership and mail it to Norris Electric Cooperative, 8543 N State Hwy 130, Newton, IL 62448 or email to contracts@norriselectric.com or fax it to 618-783-3673 after the request for service is initiated.