Outages: 1-877-783-3221 | Contact: 1-618-783-8765
Air Evac Lifeteam
In a medical emergency, your best hope for a full recovery rests in your ability to get to medical care quickly, especially if you live in rural America. When seconds count, Air Evac Lifeteam’s air ambulance service is just what you need. Air Evac Lifeteam crews can respond directly to the scene of your medical emergency, working in cooperation with your local emergency responders, to provide advanced medical care. If your emergency calls for transport from an outlying medical facility to a larger hospital, we will work with your physician and health care provider to get you to the specialized care you need as quickly as possible.
Norris Electric Cooperative offers the opportunity for its members to join Air Evac Lifeteam through an affordable monthly billing plan of only $5.00 per month per household. Simply print, complete and sign the registration form and mail in with your next payment or drop it by the office. That's it! Send no money; you will simply be charged $5.00 per month starting with your next bill. It's that easy!
For more information call our office at 877-783-8765 or the Air Evac Lifeteam office at 800-793-0010 or visit them at http://www.lifeteam.net.